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2024 UX / UI Design & Development Trends and Predictions

Get the latest design and development trends for 2024

In the guide 2024 UX / UI Design & Development Trends and Predictions you’ll learn:

  • The Inescapable Reality of AI & Machine Learning Integration

  • The Rise in Voice-Controlled Interfaces and AI-Powered Assistants

  • Seamless Blending of DevOps and DevSecOps

  • Sustainability & Energy Efficient Digital Solutions

  • Compliance, Accessibility, and Ethical Design

  • Emerging Frameworks in Server Side Rendering 

  • Low-Code and No-Code Platforms

  • Continuing Popularity of Cloud Computing: The Sky’s the Limit

Every year at Unosquare we do a round up of what we see as the top UX | UI design and development trends.  Our picks are based on the experience we have with our clients. In tandem with this hands-on understanding, we also look at current technology developments to shape our yearly outlook.

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