8 Technologies You Can Access After Updating Your Legacy Applications

One of the biggest challenges faced by enterprise businesses is legacy software. Whether you had a custom application made for you several years ago or you built your tech stack on software that has aged over time, legacy applications will eventually hold back your business. In fact, if your legacy applications haven't been updated with the times, you are missing out on the latest technologies that have been released since your solution was built.  Once you start updating your legacy [...]

Digital Companions: Beyond the Mobile App

Intro Many mobile applications are meant for socializing, gaming, and entertainment. That being said, we have also seen mobile applications contribute to better experiences in healthcare and lifestyle. In this article, we’ll talk about mobile applications that help improve people’s lives and how those applications and digital companions are growing. […]

ux design for iot

UX Design Considerations for IoT Designing for the Internet of Things IoT will confront you with some extra challenges and complexity that you wouldn’t encounter on a “conventional” (software-only) web service. You’ll need to think about some different and perhaps new areas of design that all serve to shape the user experience (UX). […]

Designing User Experiences for IoT

A Tale of Three Industries There’s no question that digital transformation will be a driving force in the 21st century, if it isn’t already. Along with artificial intelligence, big data, and elastic cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the four driving forces identified by Tom Siebel, American business man and author of Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction. In fact, according to Forrester, last year 36 percent of enterprises were implementing [...]