8 Technologies You Can Access After Updating Your Legacy Applications

One of the biggest challenges faced by enterprise businesses is legacy software. Whether you had a custom application made for you several years ago or you built your tech stack on software that has aged over time, legacy applications will eventually hold back your business. In fact, if your legacy applications haven't been updated with the times, you are missing out on the latest technologies that have been released since your solution was built.  Once you start updating your legacy [...]

Navigating Economic Downturns With UX|UI Innovation

There are clear signs of recession in every industry. This includes supply chain disruptions, negative consumer views, rising interest rates, high inflation, and more. However, while several companies are cutting back on business expenses, the demand for quality services is still increasing.  In today's digital age, several companies interact with consumers and other businesses through digital platforms. Convenience, ease of use, and a great user experience (UX) have become a necessity. This means that, despite the economic downturn, it is [...]

Five Hazards of Legacy Software

Using and maintaining old software is a dangerous game.  It use to be that you could wait to update your software, but in today’s world technology changes so quickly that not only are you left behind when you don’t update your software, you could be put at a competitive disadvantage — or worse, invite security risks, costly maintenance and more.  Here are five hazards of not updating your software. […]