Quiz: Is Your Product Team Considered High-Performing?

Did you know that high-performance teams are 35% more likely to deliver projects on time and exceed customer expectations? A High-Performance digital product team is essential to a UX initiative because they bring together the right skills, foster innovation, adapt to iterative processes, and optimize project efficiency. The question then becomes who do you assemble and what are the characteristics and benefits of this team on your UX initiative? After working with over 1000 digital product teams across the globe [...]

UX Design Insights: Learning from Social Media Giants on Overcoming Cognitive Biases

Social networking platforms are designed to keep users engaged and entertained. The success of these popular platforms, in part, is due to how their UX deliberately reduces the negative effects of certain cognitive biases. In this article, we will examine three common cognitive biases and how LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram specifically use those principles to impact their UX design decisions, creating a better online experience for their users. What is a cognitive bias? A cognitive bias refers to a systematic [...]

Validating Your Product Concept: How Lean UX Design Can Help You Iterate Quickly

Lean User Experience (UX) Design is a customer-centric methodology focusing on delivering value to users. It achieves this through an iterative process of experimentation, collaboration, communication, and learning. Lean UX Design reduces waste and maximizes efficiency by adopting a "build, measure, learn" cycle that encourages rapid prototyping and testing. The approach is grounded in the principles of lean methodology, widely used in manufacturing and software development. Cross-functional teams collaborate on UX design concepts to create simple, intuitive products that meet [...]

Why Simplicity in UX Design Matters: The Impacts and Steps to Simplify Your Product

UX design is all about creating user experiences that are intuitive, engaging, and easy to use. One of the most important principles of UX design is simplicity. In this article, we'll explore why simplicity matters in UX design, the impacts of simplicity on user experience, and some steps or ideas to simplify your product. Why Simplicity Matters in UX Design: Simplicity matters in UX design for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps users to understand the product quickly and [...]

A 10-Point UX Health Check by Catalyst UX

Just like a regular health check you would conduct for yourself, your product or digital solution needs a UX health check.  Why? A UX health check can help you figure out how well your product is currently measuring up to user expectations.  It helps uncover things like usability issues, information architecture and more. […]

12 Benefits of a UX Design System

12 Benefits of a UX Design System When you examine the complexities inherent to building or growing any digital product, you see how quickly inconsistency, inefficiency, and design debt can creep in. To avoid these pitfalls, a well-documented UX design system is one of the best investments you can make. Not only will it provide a better, more consistent user experience, it will also streamline workflows for your design and development teams. […]

10 Steps to Creating a UX Design System

Whether they’re using an app to order services or simply doing their jobs, today’s users are savvy consumers of UX. Despite the increased development and support costs required to meet their high expectations, you really can’t afford to ignore them. Ninety percent of users have stopped using an app due to poor performance. Ultimately, inconsistent digital experiences result in lost business and revenue. […]

13 Benefits of a UX Design System

When you examine the complexities inherent to building or growing any digital product, you see how quickly inconsistency, inefficiency, and design debt can creep in. To avoid these pitfalls, a well-documented UX design system is one of the best investments you can make. Not only will it provide a better, more consistent user experience, it will also streamline workflows for your design and development teams. […]

Strategies for Modernizing Legacy Applications

Financial and enterprise applications have become more essential than ever in the past year. According to a report by Plaid, 73% of Americans see Fintech as “the new normal” ever since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now that such applications are becoming even more widely used, it is crucial that these applications stay up-to-date on their software. Modernizing your legacy application can provide your customers with years of continued use and your organization with years of additional revenue. [...]

9 Signs You Need a UX Design System

Software products are increasingly complex because they’re becoming more reliant on shared infrastructure, security, and identity management. You may have dedicated internal teams who manage these different components. But what about the larger aspects of the product that holds it all together? Who ensures that consistent principles are used to govern them, and does your company have documentation that lays everything out? […]